Eco Facade
Ar. Amar Mistry, Id. Ruchita R. Oswal, Ar.N.D.Gorule, Ar. Sudhir S. Raut.
Abstract :
A facade is generally the exterior wall of a structure, especially the front, but also sometimes the sides and rear. In architecture, the facade of a building is often the most important from a design standpoint, as it sets the tone for the rest of the building.
Eco Facade is a comprehensive system offering a combination of solar panels, glass and cladding panels that enables the architect to design an eco-friendly facade to the building. This gives a completely flat wall appearance.
Paper explains various types of eco facades with special reference to solar facades. It indicates treatment given to facades like paint coating and its impact on heat absorption. It emphasizes the need for whole-systems thinking in building which will require new forms of design collaboration.